Our Relationships: Six Directions
Everyone knows that all are in the same cycle of existence (birth, oldage, sickness, and death). Even if we are strangers, we are friends in the same world.
The Rose Way
The real monks and practitioners from Dhammakaya Temple are going to restore one of the Buddha's ways...It is the dhutanga. They are going to perform the Dhammachai Dhutanga during January 2nd - 25th, 2012.
Child Should Minister to His Parents
The direction in front of us represents the relationships the relationships we have with others as a result of their giving birth to us, i.e. our parents.
Learning To Be Learned
Our life is surrounded by misery and decay appearing together since our birth, that we are distasteful towards. The things we prefer are happiness and the ability to progress in life.
The Test Tube Baby
Her husband and she were married for 9 years but we still did not have a child. They went to see a doctor and had artificial fertilization twice but they failed. The doctor suggested them to utilize the test tube baby process. Which process of a soul’s birth occurred during the procedure of the test tube birth? Will the doctor and her accrue any sins (negative kamma) from destroying the fertilized ova and implanting only the perfect ovum?
Wat Bankhun 29 - 30 June 2015
Please join the Ceremony of Establishing the Buddha’s Relics At Celestial Cetiya of Wat Bankhun During June 29th – 30th, 2015
Buddhists filed a complaint of the art of Face-up Buddha
WFBY and Buddhist Networks filed the complaint letter to the German Embassy on July 2nd, 2013. We protest the show of Face-up Buddha in Munich, Germany.
Paknam Bhasicharoen Temple arranged the ceremony of packing the relics of the Lord Buddha
Paknam Bhasicharoen Temple arranged the ceremony of packing the relics of the Lord Buddha since the abbot's Birthday Anniversary
Ceremony to Enshrine the Buddha Image
Ceremony to Enshrine the Buddha Image // October 29, 2016— Dhammakaya Meditation Centre New Castle, UK
The World’s First 5D Presentation on the Life and Times of the Lord Buddha.
Come experience the world’s first 5D presentation on the life and times of the Lord Buddha at The Secrets of Life Exhibition.